Little Bears Childcare LLC has adopted and follows the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) for early childhood education. These standards are set statewide based on research in all the domains of a child's early learning and development. WMELS aligns with the K-12 Academic Standards to assure early learning opportunities that support the success of children in school and the future. WMELS is a set of guiding principles that specify beliefs and values about young children.
Little Bears Childcare LLC has chosen to utilize Teaching Strategies GOLD as our curriculum to implement WMELS.
Free choice of equipment and uninterrupted free play is encouraged. Developmentally appropriate curriculum for all age levels include large and small motor development, creative expression, social interaction, intellectual, language development, and cognitive growth. Our teachers plan skill focused activates weekly in each classroom. Through weekly lesson plans, our teachers are able to track each child's development based on "observations" taken for each child. These observations are entered into the child's portfolio and tracked within the different learning domains. A daily schedule is practiced at the Center, which includes active and quiet activities indoors and out, and is designed to protect the children from fatigue, extreme heat and cold, and over stimulation.
We do not allow play toys or weapons based on physical violence. Parents may review our lesson plans and schedules posted in each classroom. Please remember that children learn through play.